Twilight Saga Wiki

Hi guys, it is good to be here again. Well I want to know your POV about the possible BD ranked, if you didn't know the question is in the table, although Summit said that is going to be PG-13, I don't know if it's good. First, beacuse I want a movie as close to the book as possible. And sometimes I feel that with that ranked they are going to cut some importants parts........ but that's what I feel.

And in the other hand, I read a couple of all the last Rob's interviews and he all the time said that he actually don't understand how is going to be PG-13. That's what I think it will be better if is ranked R, 'cause I can't think what they are going to cut in order to made it PG-13. ......... but at the same time ranked R will be unfair with the loyals fans under 13 years.

Breaking dawn cover meaning by cylonkad3c0cxf

