Twilight Saga Wiki
253px-1337879714 Jake

Sexy sexy sexy.

...I'm back from vacation. Where I was, the weather was nice and warm, hot shirtless guys walked around everywhere, and it took hours to get back home. I loved it. Now I'm back in the city I've lived in for years, where the weather is still crappy, hot (not shirtless) guys do not walk around, and where I have my laptop. Also, my Wiki timer thing has restarted - again. My auto-pilot was short of her powers. -_- Anyway, what's happened around here? (My Wiki Activity only goes as far as about 23 hours ago.) Anybody died? Won the lottery? Got pregnant? It feels great to be back here.

With love, TeamTaycob 17:55, May 29, 2012 (UTC)
