Twilight Saga Wiki

Fusedtwilight Fusedtwilight 24 April 2010

Zafrina vs. Alec

Hey, i need everyones help. Me and my friend were talking one day about who would win in a fight and we got to Alec and Zafrina. Needless to say we still debait who would win in a fight. She thinks Zafrina i think Alec. So i want to hear what you think. Who do you guys think would win, Alec or Zafrina? They both have powers, they both affect the senses. But who is the better fighter?


Power: Can creat illusions that affects the senses, can show people images or even make them see nothing but darkness.

Pros: Can make see, feel, smell, hear, taste things that are not there, can work instantainesly, Can affect multiple people.

cons: She has to activate her power so it is possile to sneak up on her, she cannot strip you of your senses.



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Fusedtwilight Fusedtwilight 22 April 2010

Hello i am new

Hey, new guy here. Huge twilight fan, red all the books, saw the films, even right fanfiction on Can't wait to see what being a member is like.

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