Twilight Saga Wiki

The following is a list of quotes that have been used, will be used, or are currently being used for the 'Quote of the Month' program.

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If you would like to suggest a quote to be added to the list as a future quote of the day, please place your suggestion on the talk page.


1. "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..."

Edward Cullen

2. "You are my life now."

Edward Cullen

3. "I made the cowardly lion look like the terminator."

Bella Swan

4. "I was in danger of being distracted by his livid, glorious face;
it was like trying to stare down a destroying angel."

Bella Swan

5. "Who needs Heaven when I have you?"

Edward Cullen

6. "Stupid, shiny Volvo owner."

Bella Swan

7. "Ew. Snow. There went my good day."'

Bella Swan

8. "You are my life now."

Edward Cullen

9. "I considered taking out the rear of his shiny Volvo, but there were too many witnesses."'

Bella Swan

10. "So you are trying to irritate me to death? Since Tyler's van didn't do the job?."

Bella Swan

11. "I was wondering if, a week from Saturday -- you know, the day of the spring dance --"
"Are you trying to be funny?"

Edward Cullen and Bella Swan

12. "It makes me... anxious to be away from you"

Edward Cullen

13. "Nothing more fun than an irritated grizzy bear."'

Bella Swan

14. "You are exactly my brand of heroin."

Edward Cullen

15. "Besides, friends don't let friends drive drunk."
"You're intoxicated by my very presence."

Edward Cullen and Bella Swan

16. "Twilight, again. Another ending.
No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end."

-Edward Cullen

17. "I can feel what you are feeling now—and you are worth it."
"I’m not. If anything happens to them, it will be for nothing."
"You’re wrong."

-Jasper Cullen and Bella Swan

18. "And please don’t come after him. That’s what he wants, I think.
I can’t bear it if anyone has to be hurt because of me, especially you.
Please, this is the only thing I can ask you now. For me."

-Bella Swan

19. "Oh, I’m with the vampires, of course."

- Bella Swan

20. "We’ll be watching."

-Jacob Black

21. "Do you remember when you told me that I didn’t see myself very clearly?
You obviously have the same blindness."

- Bella Swan

22. "Enough for forever."

- Edward Cullen

23. "Look at this shoe! It's a death trap!"

- Bella Swan

24. "I'm a bit heavier than your average backpack"

- Bella Swan

25. "Bet you're glad she loves Cullen instead of me today, huh, Charlie."

- Jacob Black

26. "How strongly are you opposed to Grand Theft Auto?"

- Alice Cullen

27. "We’ll be watching."

-Jacob Black

28. "Well, I'm nearly a hundred and ten. It's time I settled down."

- Edward Cullen

29. "Until my heart stops beating."

- Bella Swan

30. "Ditching is healthy."

- Edward Cullen

31. "I punched a werewolf in the face."

- Bella Swan

32. "Well, that's one."
"One what?"
"One person I don't have to worry about getting killed this week.""

- Bella Swan and Edward Cullen

33. "Do me a favor and challenge him to a wrestling match.
It would be a good experience for him."

- Edward Cullen

34. "Jasper's going to win the bet."

- Rosalie Hale
