Twilight Saga Wiki

Kristie was a newborn vampire and one of the group leaders in the Seattle newborn army, an army of newborn vampires which was created by Victoria in order to avenge the death of her mate, James. Kristie died in the confrontation with the Cullens and the shape-shifters.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Main article: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Kristie was known to have her own "small coven" inside the Seattle newborn army, similar to Raoul's. The two however were openly hostile towards each other and were overall enemies. Bree said, "If you're with Raoul then Kristie is the enemy and if you're with Kristie then Raoul is the enemy". This was, however, put to an end when Riley forced all of the newborns to work together to fight the Cullens.

After Victoria learned that she had only five days to make her decision, Riley returned to the basement and began telling the newborn army of their enemies, the yellow-eyes, and how they would defeat them. But first he said they needed two leaders to lead them. He called Kristie forward to be one of the two leaders for the newborn army, but she had just witnessed Riley ripping Kevin's arm off and feared to approach. He then tried to use the same manipulation he used on Raoul and called Jen forward instead, stating that she would be leading. This prompted Kristie to push Jen back and take her rightful place at Riley's side as one of the leaders.

Kristie and her gang also were very reluctant to go into the sun, which they had previously believed would burn them to crisps, when Riley told everyone they could for the supposedly special four days a year.

Kristie and her group split up from the rest to surprise the Cullens, but they were killed by the "howling vampires" (the shape-shifters).

Physical apperance

Kristie's appearance was never truly explored, the only physical feature that was mentioned other than her crimson eyes was her "sandy hair".


Kristie could be described as being selfish, self-absorbed, hateful, and a bully. Her selfishness was demonstrated when Riley told the newborns about the four days of sun story, after he had gone into the sunlight. The basement was then filled with light, and Kristie used her gang to shield her from the sunlight. She often acted as if she was superior to others. Kristie was similar to Raoul in these aspects. However, the difference between the two was quite distinct. Raoul used his gift to get his followers.


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