Twilight Saga Wiki

Jason Scott Jenks was a middle aged man who lived in his fifties as a lawyer and purveyor of illegal documents.


Jason Scott Jenks was born around 1950 which is five years after World War II ended. After he grew up, he had several accounts when he was working with Jasper after realizing that he was a vampire. Jason had great fear over the Olympic Coven or Cullen Family since Jasper gave belief to him sometime before. Jasper told Jason to keep this immortal secret since he told many stories about the Volturi. Jason had to agree to this and he never wanted to get involved into any situations.

Helping the Cullens

In Breaking Dawn, Alice left Jason's fake address to Bella, which led her to Max, Jason's agent. Max gives directions of where she can find Jenks. Bella employs Jenks to forge birth certificates, passports, and a driver's license for Jacob and Renesmee, in order for their escape from the Volturi, and over the course of their relationship he starts to become more comfortable around her than he is with Jasper. An honorable man, he initially expresses reservations about giving Bella the documents she requests, under the belief that she intends to use them to kidnap Renesmee from her father, despite his fear that this might earn him the Cullen family's retribution. Bella assures him that this is not the case, and she decides afterwards to take over all relations with Jenks in order to spare him any further stress that Jasper might cause him.

Physical Description

Jason is described to be short and balding man.

