Twilight Saga Wiki

The following are quotes from the Breaking Dawn - Part 1.

Bella Swan

Childhood is not from birth to a certain age, and at a certain age the child is grown and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.

[To Edward] I know I can do this.

[To Rosalie, Alice, Jacob and Edward] Get him out now! (screams in agony)

[To Edward] How many days has it been since the wedding? (calculating the days)

[To Alice] Can I just go barefoot? (hating the idea of wearing heels)

[To Carlisle] Carlisle, I swear something has just moved inside me. (holding Edward's mobile and feeling the sensation)

[To Rosalie] Rosalie, I need your help. (Through a phone call)

[To Jacob] Jake, I know I can do this. (On Bella not surviving the birth)

[To Charlie] I love you dad. Forever. (Before going to her honeymoon with Edward)

[To Rosalie] Rose, can you help me up?(On being not able to get up)

[To Jacob]    He's sufacating

[To Edward]  You can hear him

[To Jacob] It's just a guess when I picture him I see a boy we'll see

Edward Cullen

[To Bella] It's crushing you, from the inside out.

(Giving wedding toast) It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bear your soul to, who will accept you for what you are. I've been waiting for what seems like a very long time to get beyond what I am, and with Bella, I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever.

[To Bella] I've waited a century to marry you, Ms. Swan.

[To Bella] Come back to me please, baby.

[To Bella] Last night was the best night of my existence.

[To Bella] Oh, what's a wedding without some family drama?

[To Bella] In sickness and health, remember?

[To Bella] He is good. Pure. He is happy.

[To Bella] No measure of time with you will be long enough. But we'll start with forever.

[To Bella] Don't take too long, Mrs. Cullen.

[To Bella] I'm the one who'll lose you. And I don't choose that, I don't choose that.

[To Bella] How much is she like you? Or like I was anyway?

[To Bella] On the contrary, I find you very difficult to read.

[To Bella] What if I'm not a superhero? What if I'm the bad guy?

Jacob Black

[To Bella] This is how I'll remember you: Pink cheeks, two left feet, heartbeat. You'd think I'd be used to telling you goodbye by now.

[To Sam, in wolf form] I will not! I am the grandson of Ephraim Black! I am the grandson of a chief! I wasn't born to follow you or anyone else!

[To the wolf pack] If you kill her, you kill me!

[To the Cullens] It wasn't an idea, it was a snide comment...

[To Edward] "Kind" is my middle name.

[To Bella] I'm sorry I'm late.

[To Bella] Sometimes you're a little strange, Bella. Do you know that?

Jessica Stanley

(Giving wedding toast) Well, Bella was just like everybody else, totally mesmerized by Edward, or "The Hair," as I call him. Um... and then suddenly, Edward is all about Bella. Even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team. I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. Or the president of the student council.

(Commenting on the wedding cake) I just thought it would be bigger.

Carlisle Cullen

(On Bella's pregnancy) The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It is too strong.

[To Bella] Your heart will fail before you can deliver.

(To Jacob about more blood) Bella's deliver is early tomorrow if she going have any chance at all she'll need more blood we have no choice Jacob if we're willing to save her and the baby it's the only way.

Esme Cullen

(On the treaty being void) We'll have to make do.

(On Bella drinking blood to stay alive) It is working.

(Giving wedding toast) I'd like to thank Renee and Charlie for bringing such a wonderful person into the world and into our lives. We will cherish and protect her forever.

Alice Cullen

[To Bella] What did I tell you about beauty sleep?

[To Rosalie and Bella] Weddings. They bring everyone together!

(Giving wedding toast) Now that you're my sister, you'll have to get over your aversion to fashion. Skirts, heels, handbags...

[To the Cullens] I can't see Bella's future anymore.

[To The Cullens and Jacob] The fetus isn't good for Bella.

[To Bella while preparing her to wedding] No one will dare to call you plain when I'm through with you.

[to evrey one] Stop the fighting isn't good for bella.

[To evreyone] The feedis isn't good for Bella.

Emmett Cullen

(Giving wedding toast) I'd like to propose a toast to my new sister. Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last eighteen years, 'cause you won't be getting any more for a while. [chuckles]

[To Carlisle] We won't get through without a fight.

[To Carlisle] Carlisle, Nobody's hunted in weeks.

[To Bella] Let me dance with my little sister. This could be my last chance to make her blush.

Rosalie Hale

[To Jacob] I have killed a hundred times more often than you have, you disgusting beast. Don’t forget that.

[To Jacob] I’ll help him toss you, dog. I owe you a good kick in the gut.

[To Cullen's] The more time he spends here, the less chance there is that we’ll ever get the smell out.

(On Bella's pregnancy) Of course there were no survivors. Giving birth in the middle of a disease-infested swamp with a medicine man smearing sloth spit across your face to drive out the evil spirits was never the safest method.

[To Jacob] Oh, wonderful. I knew I smelled something nasty.

[To Alice] Say th eword Alice baby, its just a little baby.

[To Jacoub] This is none of your buiessnues dog

[To Edward] Edward, i'm ok.

Charlie Swan

(Giving wedding toast) Edward will be a good husband. I know this because I'm a cop. I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth... and I know how to use a gun.

[To Billy, Sue, Seth, Edward and Bella] Well, I plan on getting drunk tonight. (walks off)

Renee Dwyer

(Giving wedding toast, singing) Go to sleep, my love. Go to sleep. When you wake, you'll see me.

[To Bella] Oh my god, you're so beautiful.

(Yells to Charlie) Charlie get in here!


Bella and Rosalie

Rosalie: You need some help? I could do her hair.

Bella: Really?

Rosalie: Please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom.

Bella: Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality.

Rosalie: Essentially.

Alice: Weddings. They bring everyone together.

Bella and Edward the night before the wedding

[Emmett shouting from outside Bella's window]

Bella: What is that?

Edward: I'm late for my bachelor party.

[Emmett leaps up to Bella's window]

Emmett: Send him out, Bella, or we're coming in after him.

[Emmett jumps down]

Bella [to Edward]: So this party, will there be strippers?

Emmett [shouting]: BORING!

Edward No, just a couple of mountain lions. Maybe a few bears.

[Jasper leaps up to Bella's window]

Jasper: Don't worry, Bella, we'll get him back in plenty of time.

[Jasper jumps down]

Bella [to Edward]: Okay, go. Before they break my house.

Edward: I'll meet you at the altar.

Bella: I'll be the one in white.

Edward: That sounds very convincing.

Renee and Charlie on the Cullens' graduation caps

Renee: So did you find our daughter?

Charlie: Are those graduation caps?

Renee: Huh...How creative!

Charlie: little weird.

Renee: Alice? Bella?

Bella: In here mom.

Jacob discovering Bella is pregnant

Jacob: [to Edward] You did this!

[Jacob charges towards Edward]

[Emmett holds Jacob back]

Carlisle: [to Jacob] I didn't know it was even possible.

Jacob: [to Carlisle] What is it?

Carlisle: [to Jacob] I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sack.

Jacob: [To Carlisle] Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her.

Alice: [to Jacob and Carlisle] I can't see it either, and I can't see Bella's future anymore.

Carlisle: [to Jacob] We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong and fast growing.

Rosalie: [to Jacob] This is none of your business, dog!

Esme: Rose! All this fighting isn't good for Bella.

Alice: [to Esme] The fetus isn't good for Bella!

Rosalie: Say the word, Alice. Baby! It's just a little baby!

Jasper: Possibly.

Mike and Eric on the Denali coven

Eric: They have got to be related.

Mike: What a gene pool.

Eric: Seriously.

Jessica: [to Mike] You've got some, uh, drool.

Jessica and Angela on Bella getting married

Jessica: So, um [clears throat],when do you think Bella's going to be showing?

Angela: Jess, she is not pregnant!

Jessica: Okay. Who else gets married at eighteen?

The Denali coven at the wedding

Carmen: Bella!

[Carmen kisses Bella's cheeks]

[Eleazar and Edward hug]

Eleazar: Congratulations Edward, Bella.

Edward: Thank you.

Bella: Eleazar and Carmen, right?

[Carmen nods]

Eleazar: Hola.

Edward: These are our cousins from Alaska: Tanya and Kate.

Kate: [to Bella] We've heard so much about you.

Eleazar: [to Bella] Welcome to the family.

Carmen: [to Bella] Bienvenida.

Bella: [to Carmen and Eleazar] Thank you.

[Irina stares at Seth, Billy, Charlie, and Sue]

Carmen: Irina? Come meet Bella.

[Irina stands next to Carmen]

Irina: [to Carmen] I can't do this.

Tanya: [to Irina] You promised.

Irina: They invited one.

[Irina stares at Seth]

[Seth looks away]

Edward: Irina, he's our friend.

Irina: [to Edward] They killed Laurent.

Edward: He tried to kill Bella.

[Irina comes closer to Edward]

Irina: I don't believe that. He wanted to be like us; to live in peace with humans, with me.

Edward: I'm sorry.

[Irina turns and walks away]

[Carmen and Kate turn in her direction]

Carmen: Irina!

Eleazar: Well… [to his family] Let's not monopolize the bride. [to Bella] Congratulations.

Tanya: [to Bella] Sorry.

[Eleazar, Carmen, Kate, and Tanya walk away]

Edward: [to Bella] Well, what's a wedding without some family drama?

Bella: Yeah.

The Volturi receive a letter from Carlisle

[Bianca nervously walks through the corridors of the Volturi lair]

[Bianca approaches Aro, Marcus, and Caius; Aro takes the letter from Bianca's tray]

Aro: [to Caius] Ah, it's from Carlisle [looks at Bianca], which is spelled with an "S"ssssweet Bianca.

[Aro waves a finger and continues to read the letter]

[Felix and Demetri appear at Bianca's sides]

Aro: [to Marcus] He's added a new member to his coven.

Marcus: Oh!

Caius: Increasing his power.

[Aro looks at Caius]

[Bianca screams and drops her tray as she is being dragged away by Felix and Demetri]

[Aro shakes his head and glances at the letter]

Aro: First it's the spelling, then the grammar.

[Aro hands Marcus the letter to read]

[Bianca is still screaming and still being dragged away]

Marcus: Is our dispute with the Cullens over?

Aro: Over? Goodness, no. Our dispute goes far beyond the fate of a mere human.

Caius: And what might it be?

[Bianca's screaming stops]

Aro: Why, brother, I thought you understood. They have something I want.

[Aro smiles and tries to hold himself back as he knows Bella is a vampire now]

Jacob tells Paul, Jared, Quil, and Embry he will kill Bella's baby

[Seth and Leah approach Jacob]

Seth: Jake, they're coming.

Jacob: [to Seth] I know.

Leah: We should phase, Jacob. We can't protect ourselves like this.

Jacob: [to Leah] He'll see it as a threat. [to Paul, in the woods] I wanna talk! It'd be easier if I could hear you too.

[Rustling in the woods]

[Paul and Jared step out of the woods, Paul spits]

Paul: [to Jacob] This isn't your territory anymore. How's your new family working out?

Jacob: [to Paul] You done?

[Quil and Embry step out of the woods]

Quil: You coming home, Jake?

Jacob: [to Quil] Not until I finish this.

Paul: [to Jacob] What do you mean?

Jacob: [to Paul] I want Sam to take back Leah and Seth.

Leah: [to Jacob] What?!

Seth: [to Jacob] No way!

Jacob: [to Seth] Quiet.

[Jacob turns to Paul, Jared, Quil, and Embry]

Jacob: I want them safe, and I want this over.

[Emmett charges through the forest, the wolves chase him]

Jacob: [to Paul] I need Sam to wait until Bella's been separated from the problem.

Paul: [to Jacob] You mean 'til she's dead.

Embry: Ease up, Paul.

Paul: What?

Jacob: [to Paul] Tell Sam that when the moment comes, I'll be the one to destroy it.

Seth: Jake!

Jacob: I'm the only one who can. They trust me.

[Wolves continue to chase the Cullens; Esme is knocked down; the wolves almost attack Esme; Carlisle saves Esme; and Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett jump over the river to their side of the treaty line. The wolves howl]

Paul: [to Jacob] You played us!

[Paul, Jared, Quil, and Embry run away into the woods]

Bella tells Jacob and the Cullens her baby name choices

Bella: [to Jacob] Hey. Are you okay?

Jacob: [to Bella] Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon.

Rosalie: This is pretty important, Bella. Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?

[Jacob quickly glances at Edward]

Jacob: [to Bella] What now?

Edward: [to Jacob] Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names.

Bella: [to Jacob] She hates them.

Jacob: [to Bella] Well, I'm on your side no matter what you've picked.

Bella: They're not that bad. If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob.

Rosalie: [to Bella] Okay fine, that one's not awful. Why don't you tell them the girl's name?

Bella: I was playing with our moms' names, Renee and Esme, and I was thinking...Renesmee.

Jacob: [to Bella] R-Renesmee?

[Edward chuckles]

Bella: [to Jacob] Too weird?

Jacob: [to Bella] Umm...

Edward: [to Bella] It's not too weird. It's beautiful. It's unique. It certainly fits the situation. I like "Renesmee."

[Rosalie gets Bella's cup of blood]

Bella: [to Rosalie] He likes it.

[Rosalie rolls her eyes]

Carlisle tells Bella she is going to die; Edward and Bella talk

Carlisle: [to Bella] Your rib is cracked, but there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything.

Edward: Yet.

Carlisle: Edward.

Edward: It's breaking her bones now. [To Bella] It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell her.

Bella: Carlisle, tell me. It's all right.

Carlisle: [to Bella] The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour, and I can't stop it and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver.

Bella: [to Carlisle] Then I'll hold on as long as I can and--

Carlisle: Bella, there are some conditions that venom can't even overcome. Do you understand? I'm sorry.

[Bella nods]

[Carlisle leaves the room]

Bella: Edward, I'm sorry.

Edward: I can't live without you.

Bella: You won't, you're gonna have a part of me. He'll need you.

Edward: Do you honestly think I could love or even tolerate it if it killed you?

Bella: It's not his fault. I mean, you have to accept what it is.

Edward: Because you've given me no choice! Bella, we're supposed to be partners, remember?! But you've decided this on your own. You've decided to leave me.

Bella: Don't see it that way!

Edward: Well, I have no other way to see it, because it's me who will lose you, and I don't choose that. I don't choose that.

[Edward leaves the room, leaving Bella alone]

Bella and Edward's wedding vows

Edward: I, Edward Cullen, take you Bella Swan... to have to hold...

Bella: For better or for worse...

Edward: For richer or for poorer...

Bella: In sickness, and in health...

Edward: To love...

Bella: To cherish, as long as we both shall live.

Edward: I do.

Bella: I do.

The wolf pack communicates through thoughts

[The pack circles around Jacob]

Paul: Is it true, Jacob?

Quil: What will it be?

Paul: It's growing fast.

Leah: It's unnatural.

Jared: Dangerous.

Quil: Monstrosity.

Paul: An abomination.

Quil: On our land.

Jared: We can't allow it.

Quil: We can't allow it.

Paul: We can't allow it.

Various wolves: We can't allow it.

Sam: We have to protect the tribe. What they've bred won't be able to control its thirst. Every human will be in danger.

Jared: We're ready.

Leah: No time to waste!

Jacob: [to Sam] Now?

Sam: We must destroy it before it's born.

Seth: [to Sam] You mean, kill Bella?

Sam: Her choice affects us all.

Jacob: [to Sam] Bella's human. Our protection applies to her.

Leah: [to Jacob] She's dying anyway!

[Jacob pounces on Leah, they fight]

[Sam snarls, Leah and Jacob stop fighting]

Sam: We have real enemies to fight tonight.

Jacob: Tonight?

[Seth whimpers]

Sam: You will fight with us, Jake.

[Sam and Jacob growl and snarl]

Jacob: I will not! I am the grandson of Ephraim Black. I am the grandson of a chief! I wasn't born to follow you, or anyone else.

[Jacob runs away]

[Seth whimpers]

Jacob, Leah, and Seth in their own pack

[Jacob, in human form, runs out of the woods; Seth is shortly behind him]

Seth: Whoa.

[Jacob glances into the woods]

Seth: Don't worry. They're not following us.

Jacob: What do you think you're doing here?

Seth: I left Sam's pack.

Jacob: Go home, Seth.

Seth: I won't stand behind him.

Jacob: Oh, yes, you will. I'm not kidding. Get out of here.

Seth: Is that an order? Gonna make me bow down too?

Jacob: I'm not ordering anyone. Look, I'm just going off on my own here, okay?

Seth: Great, and I've got your back.

Jacob: No, you don't. If Sam comes after Bella, are you really ready to fight your own brothers? Your sister?

Seth: If it's the right thing to do.

Jacob: Whatever. I'm gonna go give the Cullens a heads-up. Do what you want.

[Jacob walks back into the woods and Seth follows him]

Seth: How cool is this? Two-man pack. Two against the world!

Jacob: You're getting on my nerves, Seth.

Seth: I'll shut up. Can do.

[Jacob and Seth approach the Cullen house]

Jacob: [to Edward] Get ready. They're coming for Bella.

Edward: They're not gonna touch her.

Jacob: Agreed.

[Edward and Jacob nod]

[Leah approaches Jacob and Seth outside the Cullen house]

Leah: Man, I can smell them from all the way out here.

Jacob: [to Leah] What the hell are you doing here?

Leah: I'm not gonna let my little brother get himself killed.

Seth: Go away, Leah! I can take care of myself.

Leah: That you think so proves you need a babysitter.

Jacob: Okay, would the both of you shut up? [To Leah] Did Sam send you?

Leah: Sam doesn't even know I left.

[Wolves howl in the distance]

Seth: I think he just figured it out.

Leah: Jake, I know what his plan is.

Quileutes on the beach

Jacob: Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff.

[Wolf pack members laugh and play soccer on the beach]

Jacob: At least I'll get one thing out of it.

[Jacob imagines himself in wolf form attacking Edward]

Sam: [to Jacob] No, you won't. The Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe.

Jacob: Well, he's either gonna kill her or change her. And the treaty says--

Sam: I say, Jacob. I say.

[Sam returns to playing soccer]

Embry: [to Jacob] You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha.

Jacob: Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time.

Seth: Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she comes back a vampire?

Leah: No, he'd make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us.

Jacob: Shut up, Leah.

Leah: Would you just get over it? It's not like you've imprinted on her.

[Embry, Seth, Jacob, and Leah look at the imprinted couples on the beach]

Seth: At least they seem happy.

Embry: Yeah, some people are just lucky, I guess.

Jacob: Lucky?

[Quil and Claire are shown at the edge of the water]

Jacob: None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it.

Leah: At least if you imprinted on someone, you'd finally forget about Bella. I mean, any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have.

Bella and Jacob's wedding dance

Bella: What's a wedding present doing out here?

Edward: Just a little more private.

Jacob: The best man didn't have time to get a tux.

Bella: Jacob! Jacob.

[Bella runs to Jacob; they hug and laugh]

Bella: Hey!

Jacob: Hey, Bella.

Bella: Hey.

Edward: [to Jacob] This is kind of you.

Jacob: [to Edward] Kind is my middle name.

Edward: I'll see if Rosalie wants to dance.

[Edward walks away]

Jacob: [to Bella] I'm sorry I'm late.

Bella: Doesn't matter. Everything's perfect now.

Jacob: Will you dance with me?

[Jacob twirls Bella; they laugh]

Bella: Where have you been? We were gonna put your face on a milk carton.

Jacob: Mostly northern Canada. I think. It's weird to be back on two legs again, in clothes. Gotten out of practice with the whole human thing.

Bella: Are you okay? Being here?

Jacob: Why? Afraid I'll trash your party?

[Soft growling comes from the woods]

Jacob: You're not the only one. You'd think I'd be used to telling you goodbye by now. Come on, you're not supposed to be the one crying, Bella.

Bella: Everyone cries at weddings.

Jacob: This is how I'm gonna remember you. Pink cheeks. Two left feet.

[Jacob twirls Bella again]

Jacob: Heartbeat.

Bella: 'Cause what, soon I'm gonna be dead to you?

Jacob: No...I'm sorry. I'm just trying to appreciate your last night as a human.

Bella: Well, it's not my last night.

Jacob: I thought you...

Bella: I didn't really wanna spend my honeymoon writhing in pain.

Jacob: What's the point? It's not like you're gonna have a real honeymoon with him, anyway.

Bella: It's gonna be as real as anyone else's.

Jacob: That's a sick joke. You are joking? What, while you're still human? You can't be serious, Bella. Tell me you're not that stupid.

Bella: I mean, it's really none of your business.

Jacob: No, you can't do this!

Bella: Jake...

Jacob: Listen to me, Bella.

Bella: Let me go!

[Edward appears]

Edward: Jacob, calm down, alright?

Jacob: Are you out of your mind? Huh? You'll kill her!

[Seth appears and tries to hold Jacob back]

Seth: Back away, Jake.

[Jacob pushes Seth off of him; Quil and Embry try to hold Jacob back]

Sam: Enough, Jacob!

[Jacob turns to Sam]

Jacob: Stay out of this, Sam.

Sam: You're not gonna start something that we'll have to finish.

Jacob: She'll die.

Sam: She's not our concern anymore.

[Jacob, Quil, and Embry walk away; Sam turns to Seth as he walks away]

Sam: Let's go, Seth!

[Seth runs away]

Bella: [to Edward] I'm really, really, really stupid.

Edward: No, it's alright. Come on, people are probably missing us. Let's go back.

[Edward kisses Bella on her forehead]
