Twilight Saga Wiki


"First, it's the spelling, then the grammar."
―Aro on Bianca's writing.[src]

Bianca is a human who appeared in the post-credit scene of the movie, Breaking Dawn - Part 1.

She appeared as a secretary, bringing a note sent from Carlisle to inform them of Bella's transformation into a vampire and her joining the Olympic Coven. Noting that 'Carlisle' was misspelled, Aro signalled Felix and Demetri to remove her. She was forcibly dragged out of the cha

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Bianca shortly before her death

mber kicking and screaming, which suddenly stopped because she was killed.

Bianca did not exist in the novels. However, it is likely she was a creation based on the character Gianna, also a human secretary for the Volturi, who hoped to be turned into a vampire but was killed to sustain them.

Film portrayal

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Ali Faulkner

Bianca was portrayed by Ali Faulkner in the first movie adaptation of Breaking Dawn.

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