Twilight Saga Wiki

The Arkansas coven was a vampire coven consisted of one female vampire named Nettie and two male vampires.


This coven was established around the time of the second Southern vampire wars, which took place in most of southern North America, and had control over parts of Arkansas. During a battle against another army, this coven was destroyed: Nettie had managed to escape, but not her coven mates. She later joined forces with two other vampires named Maria and Lucy to form the Mexican coven, but was killed sometime afterwards for attempted treason and overthrow Maria, the coven's leader.


  • Nettie 1 (2)


    Nettie: The resident female vampire of the coven before it was destroyed. She was the only one who survived when it happened. Decades after its demise, she was killed for attempting to betray her coven mate Maria.
  • Two older male vampires: Both were killed when a neighboring coven attacked and killed them.

