Twilight Saga Wiki

Archie Cullen, born in 1901, is a precognitive vampire and member of the Olympic coven. He is the husband of Jessamine Hale, the adopted son of Carine and Earnest Cullen, the adoptive brother of Eleanor Cullen, Edythe Cullen, Royal Hale and Beau Swan.

In 1920, after having been institutionalized by his family, an unknown vampire turned him to save her from the powerful tracker, Joss. Later, he was led to the love of his life, Jessamine, after receiving a vision of her, and the pair subsequently joined the peaceful coven of the Cullen family. His Twilight Saga counterpart is Alice Cullen.


Early life

Alice was born in 1901. He was taken and admitted to a mental asylum under accusations of having gone mad with the supposed visions of the future.

While in the asylum, his head was shaved during the threat of typhoid outbreak. He befriended a female vampire who worked there. One day, Archie had a vision of a powerful tracker named Joss coming after him, and consulted his friend. To save him, she bit him. By the time Joss reached him, his transformation was already almost complete and his blood was already fully turned, enraging to the point of destroying his creator out of revenge. When Archie came to, the pain of the venom erased all of his memory. But his premonitions were also intensified and his first vision was of Jessamine becoming his mate and of a happy future with the Cullen family.

Unlike most of his adoptive family members, he developed a conscience on his own, which kept him from feeding on humans. Knowing that he and Jessamine would join the Cullen family in the future, he started practicing a "vegetarian" lifestyle while waiting for Jessamine to find him.

In 1948, they finally met; by now his self-control was comparable to the Cullens. In 1950, they joined the family and got married a short time after. Archie started using the surname 'Cullen', while Jessamine picked up the surname 'Hale' to ease some of the confusion and gossip they cause to the humans around them.

Archie had come to love everyone in his adopted family, but grew increasingly fond of Edythe, who understood the burden of his supernatural talent. Sometime after joining the family, he attended several high schools and colleges.

Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined

Main article: Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined

Archie first appears in Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined, at Forks High School. When Edythe first states her attraction towards Beau, Archie is interested, since he had a vision about him and Beau becoming good friends and knew that it could one day happen. Therefore, he is very supportive of their relationship. He is desperate to meet Beau but Edythe forbids him. On Friday, Archie takes up the courage to introduce himself to Beau.

When Beau comes to visit the Cullens' house, Archie is polite and friendly, acting as if Beau is already part of the family.

Later that day, the Cullens go to play baseball, with Archie as the pitcher, and invite Beau along to watch. Three nomadic vampires, Joss, Lauren, and Victor, arrive. Arche had a vision of them passing through town, but when they heard the game, they changed direction. With Lauren taking the lead, Beau assumes that she is the leader of the coven, but it is soon revealed that Joss is the leader, and they intentionally tried to fool the Cullens.

Because the decisions are made so quickly, Archie fails to see the coming events.

Lauren shows interest in their lifestyle, and Carine suggests they all go back to the house where she will then explain their diet of animal blood. It seems that Beau will be able to walk away unnoticed, when Joss suddenly catches her scent.

Lauren defuses the situation and the three vampires leave. Edythe, having read Joss's intentions, knows that she won't give up so easily and tries to leave town with Beau.

Beau, not wanting to leave his father unprotected, devises a plan for him to go into hiding in Phoenix, Arizona, accompanied by Archie and Jessamine. The Cullens work together while Beau is being hunted, with Earnest and Royal chasing Victor, and Carine, Eleanor and Edythe chasing Joss, trying to lead her away from Beau with a false trail. After losing Victor's trail, Earnest and Royal go back to Forks to protect Charlie, Beau's father.

After arriving in Phoenix, they stay in a hotel, and Archie receives a vision of a ballet studio, not understanding what it means. Archie then sees Beau's mother Renée's living room in Phoenix. They realize Joss has changed her plans and calls Edythe. Just before Archie, Jessamine and Beau reach the airport to meet Edythe, he sees Beau in the ballet studio, and although what he sees is unclear, it is clearly something horrible. While the three wait for the rest of the family at the airport, Beau slips away from the bathroom, and goes to find Joss, after receiving a distressing phone call from the tracker.

The Cullens realize immediately that Beau has gone to the studio, and they rush there. They arrive in time to help fight off Joss and kill her. When it becomes clear that Joss's bite has very badly injured Beau, Edythe attempts to suck the venom out of his system. Unfortunately, Archie sees two futures: Beau joining them as a vampire or he dies trying to stop the transformation. Beau chooses to become a vampire. During the transformation, Archie has to constantly remind Edythe to educate him about their world and not to get distracted.

One month later, Archie attends Beau's faked funeral organized to falsify his death to his family. That night, the Uley pack shows up on their property, but Archie wasn't able to predict their appearance until they did. The Quileutes believe that the Cullens have broken the treaty and come to drive them out of town, but Beau, Edythe and Carine manage to make them believe what really happened.

Physical appearance

Archie is said to have cropped inky-black hair because his head was shaved in a mental hospital and was in the process of growing out when he became a vampire. Like his family, he has medium golden eyes, a result of a diet on animal blood.

Personality and traits

Archie is portrayed as being optimistic. He often ignores other people's advice and does things his own way, which usually results in the outcome being better than predicted. He is kind and cares for those he loves.

He also plays the stock market to make money, using his power to his advantage. Archie is also described as being a very fashionable person, going on massive shopping sprees with the money he helps his family make by predicting the stock markets. Edythe mentions at one point that he has good taste in fashion.

Powers and abilities: subjective precognition

Main article: Subjective precognition
"He sees things—things that might happen, things that are coming. But it's very subjective. The future isn't set in stone. Things change."
―Edythe to Beau on Archie's gift[src]

Archie has the power to see into the future. The premonitions he experienced as a human are intensified in his vampire life, and he uses them to his advantage in order to keep his family safe. It mainly works by him focusing on a certain object or person and keeping track of its decisions. He can also focus on several objects at the same time, up to the limit his mind allows.

However, Archie's foresight has many limitations: he can only see the outcome of someone's decision once it is made—meaning the future can change all too quickly; and if the decision is not firmly rooted, he can see several possible futures at the same time. Also, his vision can be clouded if someone else's decision is involved. His greatest limitation is that he cannot see any future that involves Quileute shape-shifters, even if it could be someone else's decision that he is tracking. Edythe's power of mind reading allows him to see what Alice sees at the time when they are in close proximity.


Archie is the husband of Jessamine Hale, as well as adoptive son of Carine and Earnest Cullen. He is also the adoptive brother of Eleanor and Edythe Cullen, as well as Royal Hale and Beau Swan.

Jessamine Hale

Jessamine Hale is Archie's wife, who has the power to influence people's feelings. Archie foresaw Jessamine finding him in a vision, long before she came looking for him. They finally met 28 years later in 1948. During their companionship and travels, Archie and Jessamine fell in love. By 1950, they found Carine's family with assistance from his visions and have been with them since then.

Archie and Jessamine are not as flamboyant about their relationship as Royal and Eleanor are. They are stated to be soul mates and have been married legally once. Their distinctly understanding love is what separates them from other couples, and they are both very protective of each other.

Carine Cullen

Carine Cullen is Archie's adoptive mother. He foresaw himself and Jessamine joining Carine's "family" long before their encounter.

After meeting up with Jessamine in 1948, Archie sought them out with his visions and eventually found them in 1950. Carine and the others welcomed them with open arms. Ever since then, they have formed a strong family bond.

He respects Carine's compassion and ties to the family, loving her as a mother. Carine, in turn, trusts his instincts and abilities even when he isn't sure himself at times.

Earnest Cullen

Earnest Cullen is Archie's adoptive father. Earnest and Archie treat each other like father and son. Not much is known about their relationship, but it is known that they care for each other deeply.

Edythe Cullen

Eythe Cullen is Archie's adoptive sister. Edythe shares the closest bond to Archie as siblings because he has an understanding attitude, although Edythe sometimes finds him annoying. Also, she understands his burdens of constantly receiving visions of the future, thanks to her gift of mind reading.

Archie is continually referenced as Edythe's favorite brother. They enjoy each other's company and treat each other like blood siblings. When Edythe is in range, she is able to experience his visions.

Beau Swan

Beau Swan is Archie's newest adoptive brother.

Archie foresaw Beau's arrival since before he started dating Edythe. Archie comes to love Beau as a brother before Beau became a vampire and part of their family. Aside from Edythe, Archie is closest to Beau.

Royal Hale

Royal Hale is Archie's adoptive brother. Though the exact details regarding their relationship is unclear, Archie and Royal are indeed very close as brothers.

Eleanor Cullen

Eleanor Cullen is Archie's adoptive sister. Not much is known about their relationship, but it is known that Archie and Eleanor like each other very much as siblings.

Like the rest of his family and their acquaintances, she trusts his instincts more than others' when it comes to their safety.

